Forbes ReINVENT Summit: From Zero to Lamborghini in 5 Years!
We had the privilege of sharing our journey, "From Zero to Lamborghini in 5 Years!", on the esteemed stage of the Forbes ReInvent Summit 2023!. This opportunity to narrate our story, filled with...
Read moreALTROZ , “The safest car of India”, is available for purchasing starting today
Today is a big day for us, as a naming agency. This is the day when TATA ALTROZ, the premium hatchback of TATA Motors is launching in India. Starting today, ALTROZ becomes a car available for...
Read moreNamzya Girls, special guests at Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Yesterday, on 30th of September 2019, we have been invited by the rector of Bucharest University of Economic Studies and by the dean of Faculty of Marketing to meet and talk to the students at the...
Read moreLavazza launches Minivending Systems, an innovative co-branding project
Last week we had the pleasure to participate at Venditalia, the most important vending event on worldwide level. One of the most exciting moment from this event was the launch of a new concept for...
Read moreCovim’s naming strategy for the launch of new coffee blends and systems
Our experience at Venditalia 2018 has given us the opportunity of discovering very interesting facts about the coffee world and to be present at the fresh launch of new and innovative coffee...
Read moreInterview with Andreea Stan, Marketing Manager Salad Box: “Salad Box wasn’t “found” but rather created”
For all of our Romanian readers, Salad Box is an extremely powerful name. For our readers from other countries who didn’t hear about Salad Box, prepare your appetite, because you will hear soon.
Read moreA river, an island or a flower – the legacy of Ingvar Kamprad for each of us
Each person is born for one reason. Some of us are born to be doctors, others are born to be nurses, others to dedicate their life in raising beautiful children, others to leave a heritage for each...
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