Globally recognized for
baptizing international brands
Namzya® is one of the few specialized naming agencies based in Europe and it aims to become one of the key naming players at a global scale..
We are proud of having the opportunity to work for clients like: Nespresso, Lavazza, Tata Motors, MAN Truck & Bus, Verisure, Franke, Bianchi Industry, ART Fertility Clinics and many others.
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Forbes ReINVENT Summit: From Zero to Lamborghini in 5 Years!
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Fondatoarele agenției românești de naming, Namzya, au reușit să își pună amprenta într-un mod...
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După ce au dat numele celor mai noi modele lansate de Lamborghini pe piață, coupe-ul Invencible...
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Experiența timpurie în business, alături de cunoștințele de branding și marketing, precum și...
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