
How did we name the only Institute of Clinical Research of Romania?

Last week, on 11th of October, we had the honor to attend the launching event of the only Institute of Clinical Research of Romania, Institute that bears the name and the tagline created by us. As...

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Top 5 most uninspired electric cars names

Last week we wrote an article about the top 5 best electric cars names. In the following article we have made a top 5 most uninspired electric cars names from our perspective. Which are the...

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Top 5 best electric cars names

It’s said that the future of the cars is electric. Every big car manufacturer is launching now electric models. In some cases, they are developing electric options for the cars which are already...

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6 reasons why you should RENAME a brand

Renaming is one of the hardest decisions a company makes for its corporate brand or for a brand in its portfolio. Renaming is always a part of a rebranding process, but a rebranding process...

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7 ideas about how to name a new fragrance

Naming a new fragrance is not an easy task. Unlike other types of products, the name of a new fragrance may be the second important factor in choosing it or not after how it smells. Why? Because...

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Naming versus Renaming

Naming and renaming are quite two different things, even if they have the same result: creating a new brand name. We have talked a lot about naming on our blog in the past, but naming is not the...

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4 reasons to avoid generic terms for product naming

In many business fields, choosing a generic term for naming a new product is the standard, not the exception. Really big companies prefer the comfort of relying on well established internal terms...

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How to start and how to end a brand name

Each of us has some preferences about using certain letters or not in different brand names. Some people are “A” fans. Others simply hate the brand names which start with “A”. But have your ever...

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7 most important naming mistakes

Everybody is making mistakes in the professional life. And doing mistakes when you must name a new product is a very common thing. But, that’s why Namzya is here. We will share with you in this...

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5 Pros and Cons for naming your products internally

When you have as a task to name a new product, the usual first instinct is to start a brainstorming with your team and try to name it internally. Sometimes, it’s the best decision and you will...

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5 essential steps in a naming process

Sometimes, people believe that a naming process includes only a free and funny brainstorming session. A few people drinking beer and eating pizza in a conference room are finding creative names...

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How to name a new coffee machine

One of our favorite naming fields is the coffee area. We are truly passionate about the coffee world; we have worked on many beautiful projects in this zone and we really think that it’s one of the...

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